Dr.Vaidya Yogesh Vani

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Signs, and Treatments

This is the problem that affects millions of men all over the world. Generally, it is just painful to achieve and maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual performance. Moreover, it can bring about a division in stress, strained relationships, and low self-esteem. Of course, one of the most significant things in treating this very common yet often misunderstood condition is being aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of ED with the help of the Best Sexologist Doctor in Surat.

Physiological causes

Cardio-vascular diseases   

The cardiovascular diseases that lead to erectile dysfunction primarily have to do with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and heart diseases. Blood pressure is often referred to as a silent killer that makes the blood vessels weak. 

Since the penile arteries are very minute in comparison to the coronary vessels, far easier damage or blockage limits the essential blood flow to the penis for erection. Atherosclerosis restricts the flow of blood and in turn, blocks the blood flow to the penile area for an erection.


The main cause of ED is high blood sugar. The high blood sugar level damages the required blood vessels and nerves in the erection maintenance process. Two or three times more ED patients have diabetes as compared with the patients who do not have the disease.

Hormonal Imbalances  

Sex has to have the normalcy and activity of the hormones in order for it to take place. Low testosterone, since it is the first male sex hormone, may lead to ED. Other hormonal abnormalities are also linked to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and this will be related to erectile issues. 

Neurological Disorders  

It can also do so through the nerves that mediate erection, like neurologic diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Diseases of that nature do disrupt brain and penis activity by ruining the nerves and, in time, lead to erectile dysfunction.

Lifestyle Criteria

This could be due to the adoption of various unhealthy habits. Smoking damages blood vessels, and consequently, less blood will flow to the penis area. Too much alcohol causes CNS depression, which might also impact sexual function. Obesity presents as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease or diabetes, which are two major risk factors for ED.

Psychological Causes  

Stress and Anxiety  

Other important psychological causes of ED are stress and anxiety. When a man is going through stress because of his work, financial or any other personal problems, his brain will not be in the best possible state to send those signals which result in erection.


Loss of interest in sex is also one of the prominent symptoms of depression, but it can be an independent reason for ED too. At the same time, many medications taken for the treatment of depression are explicitly mentionED in the list of possible side effects.

Relationship Problems  

Add to that the problems of bad communication, loss of intimacy, and unresolved conflicts that a relationship eventually catches up with the sexual performance. Such emotional divestment could translate into ED and further strain the relationship.

Performance Anxiety  

Performance anxiety is exactly when a man is genuinely concerned about his performance in bed to the degree that such a concern influences his ability to get an erection. Afterwards, it can work around self-supporting. a cycle of anxiety and ED.

ED Symptoms  

Almost all symptoms of ED may be attributed to one’s inability to have an erection, maintain it during a sexual event, and reduced sex drive. The symptom severity varies much and these may be episodic in nature or chronic.

Apart from this, it is responsible for causing distress, loss of esteem, and disturbed relationships. It can also manifest as a symptom of some other accompanying diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction  

Medical History and Physical Examination  

Testing for ED diagnosis will be initiated only after a medical history has been taken and inclusive of a physical exam. It will involve visiting a health professional who seeks clues to what might be causing ED; this should include a discussion of sexual and medical history. The physical examination may reveal an underlying general health problem that may be triggering the ED.

Laboratory tests can provide some pointer toward the cause. Blood tests can inform us of diabetes and heart diseases by measuring the levels of testosterone in the blood. Urinalysis is done to pick up signs of diabetes or other conditions.

Other Diagnostic Tests  

Other diagnostic tests include ultrasound to monitor blood flow to a penis and the psychological examination that may define whether there can be any psychological causes of ED. They help a doctor to know the exact cause of ED so that he prescribes proper, more concrete treatments.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction  

Eat Correctly and Exercise Regularly  

Dieting and exercise will go a long way in keeping the body in shape and reducing the likelihood of ED. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein provides adequate nutrition to ensure the healthiness of the cardiovascular system and blood flow.

Kicking the Smoking Habit and Arresting Alcoholism  

Excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol damage the erectile function. It is well-documented that smoking damages the blood vessels while excessive alcohol impairs the nervous system.

Weight Loss Reduction of weight by professional guidance may improve ED symptoms. Undoubtedly, obesity is associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, risk factors for ED that would be enhanced through weight loss.

Oral Medication 

Major prescription drugs for ED belong to a class of drugs known as PDE5 inhibitors, which include Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. They work simply by enhancing the effect of normally produced substances that relax some muscles in the penis and increase blood flow to the area.

As quoted, some common side effects but not exclusively are headache, flushing, and nasal congestion.

Hormone Therapy   

In others, hormone replacement may be necessary using small doses of testosterone. Interventions would thus be focused on the improvement of sexual function, mood, and the overall quality of life with Best Doctors for Male Sexual Problems in Surat.

Vacuum Erection Devices  

Vacuum erectile devices draw blood into the penis and engorge it. A constriction ring is placed at the base of the penis to help the man maintain the erection. VEDs work well and, in most men, can be used on an as-needed basis.? 

Penile Implants  

Other forms of treatment in special cases include surgical options available to a few men with penile implants. Penile implants are available in two types inflatable and flexible rods. The inflatable ones are devices that contain fluid-filled tubes implanted in the penis, pumps implanted in the scrotum, and a reservoir implanted in the abdomen. 

The flexible ones are bendable rods implanted into the penis. These options enable a man to have an erection under any circumstance, provided the erection is wanted at some point in time.

Vascular Surgery   

Vascular surgery is indicated in those cases where blood flow dysfunction is the major culprit of ED. Thus, restoring blood flow to the penis to form an erection can be affected by arterial bypass with venous ligation.

Penile Implants  

As has been said, penile implants are a surgical intervention for advanced ED. It is a procedure with an implanted device inside the penis to aid in getting erection. Recovery from it takes variable periods amongst different users; however, most men return to regular activities within some weeks.

Psychological Treatment for Psychic Causes 

EDs develop a great application with respect to psychological counseling in stress, anxiety, depression, and even in case of relationship problems. For example, via CBT, abnormal thoughts and behaviors are changed. In couples therapy, relationship change is achieved by developing communication and re-establishment of closeness.

Herbal Remedies and Dietary Supplements  

Some herbal supplements have been tried by men with ED. Some of the more common ones are ginseng, L-arginine, and yohimbine. While there have been some promising reports on these supplements, there is not much in the way of evidence of effectiveness and/or safety. People should discuss these supplements with their health-care provider before using them with an Ayurvedic Sexologist in Surat.


This is an aspect of traditional Chinese medicine in which very fine needles are literally stuck into the body at very specific points. A few studies recommend that it may work by increasing the flow of blood and reducing stress in ED. More studies are required.

Meditation and Yoga  

It’s OK to get strung out once in a while or anxious, but excessive chronic stress and anxiety will, in the long run, end up in ED. On the other hand, meditation and yoga reduce stress and anxiety; they generally improve mental health, and that can enhance libido.

Maintain a Healthy Weight and Stay Active   

Maintaining a good weight and becoming more physically active reduces the risk of ED, which also improves your heart and lowers your stress, quite simply being good for your overall health. 

No Smoking and Not Drinking Too Much 

It further inculcates that avoiding smoking and having a restricted intake of alcohol goes a long way to reducing the risks of developing ED. It damages blood vessels just like excessive alcohol intake, and both impair sexual function.

Among them are chronic health conditions. Due to early monitoring and management of chronic health conditions, it is most likely that one of the causes of ED is because of diabetes and heart diseases. With early diagnosis and management, prevention of one complication would take place and lead to the enhancement in sexual health.

Cardiological Checkups  

Moreover, one has to consider, in terms of cardiovascular health, the regularities of screening tests for blood pressure and cholesterol levels, among many others. A man should be able to or willing to learn what the risk factors are that surround ED. Good cardiovascular health has been discussed as a part of the requirement characteristics in proper sexual functioning  .

Good Communication   

This ensures that one’s sexual health is not lived in secrecy but openly shared with a partner or health professional and therefore enjoys any form of management that might be sought to ensure that ED is prevented. Doubtless, this brings about effective treatment and proper quality of life if the fears are shared and help is sought earlier in life with the help of Best Sexologist Doctors For Male in Surat.

Emotional Support   

The psychological toll of having ED in men can be reduced simply by emotional support from their partners and professionals. A partner shall reassure and understand while a mental health professional guides and provides therapy for the same.

Support Group or Online Communities    

One may make use of methodically designed support groups or online communities to help people make sense of the situation or feel identified with others in similar circumstances. The shared experiences plus ways to deal with the conditions indeed empower one to get comfortable.

Spicing the relationship and keeping it intimate is considered vital in coping with ED. Other ways of sexual expression, along with open communication, might be what the relationship needs.

Other Ways of Sexual Expression   

Other ways that couples can express their sexuality involves mutual masturbation, oral sex, and non-sexual touching. These ways may be used in the sustaining of a satisfactory sexual relationship despite ED.


This is a fairly common condition-erectile dysfunction. It has enormous effects on the quality of life for most men. Combination of causes, symptoms, and treatments realized makes quite a difference in successful management.

What are the Causes of Skin Allergy?

Skin allergies are a common and often frustrating issue that can affect anyone at any age. The occurrence is an offensive reaction in the immune system to substances that, were it not harmless, one would think were harmless. This allergic reaction can be very mild or very severe redness, itching, swelling, and blister formations. Hence, dealing with these allergies effectively means understanding the nature of the causes of the skin allergies with the help of allergy specialists in surat.

Common Skin Allergy Causes

Allergen, Pollen   

Pollen is fine powder produced by plants as part of their reproductive cycle. Most human bodies consider exposure to pollen an inducer of allergic reactions. This mostly happens in spring and fall seasons of the year when pollen count is usually at its peak. Allergies toward pollen mainly cause hay fever, which may further lead to some changes on a person’s skin characterized by the formation of rashes or itchiness.

House Dust Mites  

These are micro crawlers that live in house dust and basically feed on dead skin cells. They also almost always infest bedding, carpets and upholstered furniture. Those allergic to house mites would develop skin rashes. Moreover, exacerbation of eczema on the skin occurs if one is subject to these ubiquitous crawlers. Minimizing exposure would involve covering with mite-proofing and cleaning them regularly.

Pet Dander  

Pet dander comprises minute, even minute, virtually microscopic skin flakes shed by cats, dogs, rodents, birds, and other naturally shedding animals. The particles set off reactions in people who are specifically allergic to these very triggers. You don’t need to have a pet; the danger circulates into your home or on furniture.

Food Allergies


One of the very common allergies to tree nuts is almond, walnut, and cashew, etc. Allergies to nuts can cause simple rashes to eczema. Due to this, allergic sufferers must avoid not only the actual nuts but also products that have a hint of nuts in them.

Some of the examples of food allergies are seafood allergy, shellfish allergy, shrimp allergy, crab allergy, lobster allergy, and the like that may pose a high tendency to develop skin reactions. 


However, Milk, Cheese, and Yoghurts are allergens by the physiology of an individual. Hives, itching, and skin swelling are some of the effects which come along with allergic reactions to the dairy products. Allergic people to dairy products should find refuge in the plant-based milks to live safely.

Contact Dermatitis  

Contact dermatitis simply means that an allergen is present on the skin. However, some chemicals have proved to be responsible for allergic effects and skin irritation. Preventive measures would include the use of hypoallergenic products and gloves.

Personal care products are a potential minefield of allergens by addition of fragrances, preservatives, and dyes that shall trigger an irritant skin reaction. Thus, fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products shall help minimize the chance of reactions.

Skin Allergy Symptoms

Redness, Rash  

Generic symptoms of skin allergy will manifest as redness and rashes. The parts that become affected turn red with blotches. Often it would itch and feel very uncomfortable to the extent that one will scratch the area, and that might just make the situation worse.

Itchiness and Swelling  

It includes itch, mild to severe, associated with exposure of skin to the allergen. Other manifestations include swelling; either mild or severe, accompanied by itching. It can be localized at the site due to contact of the allergen, generalizing into all parts depending on the severity of the allergy.


Blisters result from allergic reactions; they are fluid-filled patches. Hourly-makers or hives sometimes result all over the body of a patient. Skin reactions can be very itchy and can at times be severe enough to need treatment by medical professionals.

Dry, Cracked, or Scaly Skin  

Chronic allergic reactions manifest as dry, fissured, and scaly skin. Very dry skin is usually a characteristic of diseases such as eczema, in which the skin’s forest lake has become abnormal to allow the loss of moisture, predisposing it to several irritants and allergens.

Diagnosis and Testing for Skin Allergies

History Taking  

Medical history is a very critical component in relation to diagnosis in skin allergies. Professionals ask about the symptoms of precipitants and even family history of allergies, which seeks information for clearance. This will provide a background in which the patterns shall be pointed out and possible allergens identified.

Physical Examination  

An integument physical examination will reveal characteristic signs and symptoms that will point to the cause of the allergic reaction. Thereafter, one would expect the GP to note signs characteristic to dermatitis in allergic reactions, causing redness, swelling, with or without lesions.

This means that small amounts of what one is suspected of being allergic to are inserted into the skin. Today, most clinicians would mark the skin and subsequently, a possible allergen would get absorbed into that marked skin. After such a marking for 15-20 minutes, a little prick in the test site would be anticipated if the allergy is present.

Patch Testing   

This could be a test meant to establish the causative agents of allergies, which, in real sense, really bring about delayed reactions. One example is contact dermatitis. Small patches containing possible allergens are attached to the skin, normally at the back of individuals and are left there for a period of 48 hours, after which skin reactions are studied.

The amount of specific IgE antibodies in blood can be determined by radioallergosorbent test and by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for blood. If the value of IgE antibodies in blood is more than the fixed value against any form or forms of substance or substances, then that can raise the suspicion for allergy against that form of substance when done with allergy specialists in surat.

Treatment and Management of Skin Allergies

Avoidance of the Allergen  

Most allergies to the skin are, therefore, managed by avoiding the known allergens. This may alter specific areas of your life, whether dietary, use of hypoallergenic products, or avoidance of allergens in your environmental setup at home.


To try and stop the pruritus and allergic reactions, antihistamines are also prescribed. Anti –histamine drugs suppress the histamine that your body produces. When your body has an attack of allergy, your body produces histamine. Corticosteroids are prescribed on an over the counter Service or a prescription basis. This drug is prescribed to try and reduce inflammation and itching.

Corticosteroid drugs  

Available over the counter as topical creams or, in cases that are more severe, available by prescription as oral medications, these products can relieve inflammation and therefore quell manifestations of skin allergies. They must only be taken under medical directions from allergy specialists in surat.

Topical Creams  

These soothe sensitive skin and help in reducing itching and dryness. Such products are moisturizers and anti-itching products. Best are those containing hydrocortisone, calamine, and menthol .

Home Remedies

Cold Compresses  

This can be further supplemented by applying cool compresses over the area, which reduces itching and inflammation. This is a very simple remedy and can easily be procured for immediate treatment in acute reactions.

Oatmeal Baths  

Oatmeal baths are given for itchy and inflamed skin. Colloidal oatmeal is very fine oatmeal ground and mixed with water and helps soothe the symptoms. Besides, one has to remember that oats are anti-inflammatory and soothes the skin.


Moisturization should be a ritual in maintaining the skin barrier and also preventing drying of the skin. Use commercial non-performing lotions for sensitive skin. Lotions containing ceramides and hyaluronic acid have been found of great help. 

Medical Attention Seeking  

If this is a serious case of an allergic attack or if all of the home remedies and over-the-counter medications really do not work, seek professional medical help for treatment. Professional medical practitioners  with allergy specialists in surat may only be required for as long as they need to prescribe stronger medications or even the treatment solutions—just in case the allergies are chronic.

How to Prevent Skin Allergies ?

Identification of allergenic triggers and their avoidance is one way for prevention. It is also possible to use a good symptom diary that has possible exposures as a diagnostic tool for the specific allergen. Once identified, it can usually be avoided in the future so that another reaction does not occur.

Good skin hygiene   

Good skin hygiene does go a long way in preventing allergic reactions although not enough to avoid all of them. One way to clean skin is to cleanse it as frequently as possible to get rid of any possible allergen. Mild cleansers should be used on the skin to prevent harsh chemicals from coming in contact and to keep it as healthy and away from as many reactions as possible.

Hypoallergenic Products  

Try to use as much hypoallergenic as possible to reduce the risks of having an allergic reaction. The keywords for the more allergy-safe products are “hypoallergenic,” “fragrance-free,” and “dermatologist-tested.” These kinds of products have very minimal potentials of causing allergic reactions on the skin.

Immune Boosting   

A robust immune system will likely be able to overcome any potential allergen. Listed above will also include a balanced diet and sufficient water in the body, doing exercises, and the aspect of stress. Sometimes, a health expert may also be giving the patient some supplements to enhance immunity.


Skin allergies can hence be preventable and treatable because of their causes. Also important is the addressing of the skin allergic symptom fully and treating the same adequately whereby symptoms reduce and therefore seek ways to protect it from the most common allergens. 

Early detection and putting in place appropriate proactive measures gives way to a healthy and comfortable ski. If you think you may be developing a skin allergy, call a health professional to help you outline a prevention and treatment plan tailored to your needs.