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Best Motor Neuron Disease Treatment Doctors in Surat – Book Appointment Online

Top Motor Neuron Disease Treatment Doctors in Surat

Get highly commendable motor neuron disease treatment from our best neurologist in Surat. Address your neurological illness with our highly expert neurological doctors.

Best Neurologist in Surat for Motor Neuron Disease Treatment

Motor Neuron Disease is abbreviated as MND. It is a rare phenomenon that starts degrading the nervous system. It causes muscle weakness that becomes severe over time. There is no cure to it but there are treatments to avoid the damage and impact it leaves on the human nervous system. It reduces the rate of life expectancy and may lead to death.The diseases generally happen to the people in their age between 60s and 70. If one of your loved ones in their old age has lost grip, cannot climb stairs, or has lost control over crying and laughing. Then you might need a top neurologist in Surat to get the treatment done.

What Treatment Do We Offer As Best Neurologist in Surat?

The best motor neuron disease doctor in Surat is required to handle the condition. It is uncurable but still has some treatment. The doctors perform some tests and practices to slow down the rate at which the disease is spreading in the body. Here are a few treatments or practices that are necessary for NMD patients.

Changes in the Daily Routine

The doctor first will make changes to the daily routine of the patient. Like having more healthy conversations with friends and family. Take no stress and try to be motivated as much as possible. It is very necessary for a patient like MND to stay motivated during the entire treatment.


There are no such medications but the MND doctors in Surat will prescribe medicines such as riluzole (Rilutek) or edaravone (Radicava), to reduce the damage. You need to take the pills on time.


In most cases, therapy is a good source of treatment for MND patients. But can be exhausting because each therapy has different doctors. There would be occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and others. You need to seek a dietician as well to change the meal plans.


It depends upon the individual to individual that how better they can perform Yoga. It is the best way of reducing muscle stiffness, controlling emotions, and being calm when you feel anxiety or stress. The meditation, stretching, etc. will work great.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is MND?

A. M.N.D. stands for Motor Neuron Disease. It is a medical condition wherein the motor nerves in the spine and brain lose their functions over a while. The condition is rarely seen in people in their 60s and 70s.

Q.How many types of MND are there?

A. The disease can impact any part of the nervous system and is majorly categorized into 7 parts; ALS, PLS, PBP, Pseudobulbar Palsy, Progressive Muscular Atrophy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and Kennedy’s Disease.

Q.What is the Life Expectancy of the Patient with MND?

A. People with MND live around 10-15 years from the date of diagnosis of the disease. But when the condition becomes severe, one cannot commit the years months, or days.

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