Dr. Yogesh Vani

How to Get Rid Of Molluscum Contagiosum By Home Remedies

How to Get Rid Of Molluscum Contagiosum By Home Remedies

Molluscum Contagiosum is a skin infection characterized affection painful small smooth nodules on the skin mostly round in shape and pink white or colorless. It manifests in both children and adults but it is most frequently reported in children.

Cysts are usually asymptomatic but may become itchy or uncomfortable and feel like small lumps. They are spread through contact with the affected skin and some other objects infected by the disease. However, it can be prevented by observing good hygiene. A lot of the time, the condition goes away on its own, but safe home remedies include keeping the skin clean and moist or using mild creams that may be purchased without a prescription.

Understanding Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum transmission can be a result of contact with the skin bumps or other personal effects physically touched by Molluscum contagiosum-affected persons or persons with healthy skin bumps. It is also wrong to rub the raised part since the virus will easily spread to other parts of the body or others in case of contact.

Measures that can help to prevent infection include regular hand washing, and refraining from sharing personal items. It is mostly mild in most people, but getting medical attention early and proper management is a great way of containing the symptoms of the sickness and containing the disease.

Should You Treat Molluscum Contagiosum at Home?

Molluscum Contagiosum infection is usually self-limiting. Depending on the extent of the problems, it could take anything from several months to a year or even longer. However, when the bumps start to become sensitive, treatment can be looked for at home after which the bumps are healed, itching is prevented, and the further spread of the infection is stopped..

How to Get Rid Of Molluscum Contagiosum By Home Remedies

Tips for Home Treatment

1.  Some of the safest and easiest home treatment methods for Molluscum Contagiosum are as follows:

2. Do Not Scratch the Bumps Scratching disperses the infection. Keep the area clean as well as do not keep touching it.

3. Wash Hands Often The virus can be cured by washing hands. Inform your child to wash their hands often, more so in case they come into contact with the infected part.

4. Cover the Bumps One can cover bumps with a bandage. A bandage will not let the bacteria spread from this place throughout the body or even to people around one. Change your bandage each day.

5. Every Day Use a Clean Towel: The virus can linger in a towel. Instruct them to use clean towels daily and not let any other person use theirs.

Natural Remedies for Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment

Several natural remedies may help reduce Molluscum Contagiosum. Here are a few that are safe to try at home.

1. Tea Tree Oil

  • How It Works: This tea tree oil has a property that fights germs hence helping to soothe your skin; thus by applying it to the area you will end up with no irritation.
  • How to Use: When used in combination with tea tree oil, blend this into a small amount of water and apply directly via cotton tip one to two times daily.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • How It Works: First, my experience is that the acids in apple cider vinegar dry out the bumps, and they heal quickly.
  • How to Use: I went on to soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar before rubbing it on every bump on my skin. Then you cover it with a bandage that will help reduce the size of the lump. Leave it for some hours. It may hurt you a little.

3. Coconut Oil

  • How It Works: Coconut oil is gentle and nourishing. It can reduce skin itch and irritation caused by the formation of skin bumps.
  • How to Use: Rub a little amount of coconut oil on the bumps with your fingers twice a day.

4. Honey

  • How It Works: The sweetness of honey makes it a soothing and healing medication derived from the bees.
  • How to use: Scrubbing the bumps slightly with honey then one can have to put on a very thin layer of honey then wash it after several hours with warm water.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

If home remedies aren’t successful, then OTC medication can also be employed.

  • Salicylic Acid Cream:Salicylic acid cleans dead skin cells from the bump. This heals the bump faster.
  • Hydrocortisone Cream:This removes itching and redness from the bumps. It does not remove them but makes them uncomfortable.
  • Iodine Solution:An iodine solution may be used to reduce infection of the bumps. Apply using a cotton swab once a day.

Note: Test these creams on a small skin area first to ensure that they do not irritate.

General Care Tips

  1. Keep Skin Clean: Saturate the area around the skin with mild soap and warm water.
  2. Avoid Scratching: Scratching the bumps will spread the virus. If you or your child finds it hard not to scratch, cover the bumps with a small bandage.
  3. Wear clean: clothes every day, particularly if the garments touch bumps.
  4. Keep the nails short: This will reduce the risk of viral spreading through scratching.
  5. Use Mild Products: Harsh soaps or lotions can be irritating on the skin. Try mild and fragrance-free products.

When to See a Doctor

Many cases of Molluscum Contagiosum can be managed at home, but know when to seek a professional like Dr. Yogesh Vani. You should visit him if:

  • This also makes the bumps very painful.
  • They germinate quickly.
  • Swellings are inflamed with pus and red.
  • They are not going anywhere for at least a few months.


Molluscum contagiosum is an annoying condition but not a threatening one. It can be treated safely and effectively at home using natural remedies and other OTC products mentioned above. Amongst the natural ayurvedic treatments, mild products including tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and honey are effective in reducing the symptoms. Always sweep or vacuum over the area, do not rub the surface, and wash your hands regularly to stop the spread of the virus.

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