Dr.Vaidya Yogesh Vani

Psoriasis Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments

Psoriasis is a severe skin disease. Do you know what are Psoriasis Disease and its all Types Symptoms and causes are? Each type of psoriasis is unique and gives different symptoms in the body. Dr Yogesh Vani explains everything in detail with their expertise. According to Dr. psoriasis can be managed by various ayurvedic remedies and methods. Let’s understand all the types of psoriasis and their symptoms and causes in depth.Β 

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that manifests as red, itchy patches covered with scales and is sometimes extremely sensitive and painful. With these symptoms, people can not diagnose the problem. It is normally stinging and may have time of the year when it is at work and others when it is calm.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that occurs on the skin and may manifest on the scalp, the elbow, knees, and the lower back in severe skin inflammation. This condition acts as a boost lifecycle of skin cells. Hence, excess cells are built up at the skin surface. These additional skin cells form scales and red lesions which at times may onset discomfort and sometimes pain. Psoriasis is a chronic, noncured condition however it can be treated by various medications, treatments, and procedures.

Types of Psoriasis

There are many types of psoriasis. Let’s know about them in detail-

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis is the most prevalent form contributing to about 80-90% of the overall cases of psoriasis. This variant of psoriasis manifests as red, heaped-up, and inflamed skin cells covered with silvery-white scales. These plaques generally occur on the elbow, knee, scalp, and lower back area, but they can arise in any area of the body.

Guttate Psoriasis

Most commonly observed in children and young people, the lesional distribution of guttate psoriasis includes scaly, pinkish, drop-like zones on the skin. This kind of psoriasis is initiated by bacterial infections, especially streptococcal throat infections. Guttate psoriasis most commonly affects the trunk or limbs and appears with small red dots.

Inverse Psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis affects the skin crevices such as the groins, axilla, inframammary, and other skin-associated skin regions. More often the affected skin areas are smooth and bright and distinguished by the complete absence of scales, which are present in other types of psoriasis. Inverse psoriasis is quite likely to be very tender since the areas of skin that are usually affected are usually rubbed or sweat a lot. This type of psoriasis appeared often from fungal infections.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular psoriasis is less common than other forms, but it is much more serious. It is characterized by white, pus-filled blisters (pustules) on red skin. These blisters are non-contagious but they are very painful. These are fluid-filled bubbles that can develop on some specific areas, for instance, the palm or sole, or develop generically all over the body surfaces. This type of psoriasis can even develop suddenly and this form of psoriasis may often need urgent medical attention because of the severity.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Erythrodermic psoriasis is the rarest type of psoriasis. But it is also the most serious type. It can affect the whole body and manifest itself as a red, peeling rash that might be quite itchy and will burn. This type is said to be a medical emergency due to the implantation of the Asterisked type that affects body temperature and its related complications.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Psoriasis Disease

If you want to check out whether your skin condition is Psoriasis or not? Here are the common symptoms and diagnoses way that you should know-

Common Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis symptoms vary depending on the type, but common signs include:

  • The rash consists of bright red, scaly, and thickened skin that is covered with silvery-grey scales.
  • Skin that is dry and cracked may at times have lesions that appear to have been bleeding.
  • Some of the effects might include itching, burning as well as soreness in the areas that were treated.
  • Color change of the nails, change in the texture of the nails, presence of small pits or grooves on nails, or that the nails may feel thicker than usual nails (nail psoriasis).
  • Stiffening and thickening of the bones where they join (Psoriatic arthritis).

How Psoriasis is Diagnosed?

If you find any of the above symptoms, immediately visit a professional. Diagnosis also includes skin examination, scalp, and nail examination by a doctor but an individual may be referred to a dermatologist for more examination.

A dermatologist may doubt whether they have ever questioned their family history because psoriasis is hereditary. Sometimes there can be a biopsy; this is where the doctor takes a small piece of skin and cuts it out so that the skin can be checked by a microscope to ascertain whether it contains a disease. This makes it possible to distinguish between psoriasis and other diseases that may sometimes present features that are similar to that of psoriasis such as dermatitis.

What Causes Psoriasis to Start?

Psoriasis and its actual cause has not been fully discovered but it is believed to be a result of genetic and environmental factors. Psoriasis is mainly seen as an autoimmune disease and this means that the body’s immune system attacks healthy skin cells. This results in the multiplication of the skin cells to the formation of plaques and thick scales on the skin.

Immune System Dysfunction

In a healthy protected person, there are body parts termed as white blood cells sometimes referred to as T cells and their main function is to kill bacteria and viruses. The latter is in patients with psoriasis, whose immune cells also attack healthy cells and produce excess skin cells. This leads to the accumulation of skin cell mass which forms the scales or the patches observed in psoriasis.

Genetic Predisposition

Psoriasis is one skin disease that is influenced by genetics. If one or both of your parents have psoriasis then there is a higher chance of you getting the skin condition. But, not everyone with a family history of psoriasis will get the disease, and some people have no such family history, yet get the disease.

Psoriasis Triggers

Psoriasis triggers can vary widely but often include stress, infections, certain medications, smoking, alcohol consumption, and skin injuries. Identifying and managing these triggers can help in controlling psoriasis flare-ups and maintaining overall skin health. Common triggers include:


Guttate psoriasis can be triggered by streptococcal infections such as throat infections in young people.

Skin injuries

Psoriasis due to the Koebner phenomenon is caused by Inflammatory joint diseases, open wounds, production of strep toxin, cuts, scars or burns, severe sunburn, etc.


Primarily, there is a confirmation that stress will inherently result in emotional stress, and this has been associated with the worsening of psoriasis.


The probability of the skin suffering changes and developing psoriasis can be affected by cold and dry weather, not to mention drier ones.


There are some medications that the doctor may prescribe that lead to or worsen psoriasis. They include beta-blockers for hypertension, lithium, and antimalarials.

Smoking and Alcohol

The major factors that are believed to cause psoriasis or make the condition escalate include smoking and alcohol use.

Psoriasis Managing Tips

Managing psoriasis involves a combination of lifestyle adjustments, medications, and skincare routines. Regular use of moisturizers, avoiding triggers, and following a treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare provider can help control symptoms and improve quality of life. Common treatments include:

Topical Treatments

There are several topical treatments suggested by the doctor. To reduce inflammation and the extent of the rate of development of the particular skin cells, corticosteroids as well as vitamin D in creams and ointments are applied. In addition, turmeric paste, etc

Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy in which a specific amount of UV light is used to address psoriasis.

Systemic Medications

For mild to moderate inflammation, localized non-systemic drugs such as methotrexate in tablet or solution may be given because it is a systemic drug that affects all parts of the body.

Ayurvedic Medication

Several studies have reported the use of ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, guggul, panchakarma therapy, etc is also effective in managing psoriasis.

Diagnosing Psoriasis

Diagnosing psoriasis is difficult at first sight. It involves multiple steps to find the skin condition is psoriasis. It begins with a physical examination and to medical examination.

Physical Examination

First, if you have red rashes or itchy and painful skin patches, then consult with the doctor. During physical examination, doctors will closely examine the symptoms of psoriasis. The appearance, distribution, and pattern of skin lesions in the patches help to find out that it is not just some kind of fungal infection, but a psoriasis.

Medical History

After physical examination, medical history is important like when they first appear, how they get triggers, does it get worse in sunlight, etc. In addition, the doctor also asked about the family history of psoriasis or any other autoimmune diseases. Doctors also check the appearance of nails and joints because psoriasis also affects them and shows symptoms.

Skin Biopsy

For confirmation, a skin biopsy is performed. During this diagnosing test, a small sample of affected skin underwent for microscopic examination. This biopsy will confirm the presence of psoriasis or any fungal skin infections. In biopsy, psoriasis skin is featured with thickened epidermis and high inflammatory cells.

Addition Test

Once psoriasis is confirmed, additional tests are also examined. Several blood tests, X-rays, etc to confirm the types of psoriasis.

Treatment Options for Psoriasis Disease

Psoriatic is tough to cure still there are many treatment options used to reduce the symptoms. The treatment approach varies from person to person because the severity of psoriatic also varies. here are some treatment options

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda or using the right herbal treatment helps manage Psoriasis. Several studies confirm the use of ayurvedic treatment in Psoriasis.Β  A holistic approach is used to treat Psoriasis by balancing the doshas and Panchakarma therapy.

Herbal Remedies

Turmeric, guggul, neem, etc are the most commonly used herbs for ayurvedic Psoriasis treatment. They are immune boosters and anti-inflammatories that work on Psoriasis.

Panchakarma Therapy

The Panchakarma process is a body detoxification therapy, which also brings doshas to balance. There are many types of panchakarma therapy used as per the Psoriasis severity.

Dietary Changes

Ayurveda is based on healthy diet habits. It is important to bring dietary modification during the ayurvedic Psoriasis treatment. Inflammatory foods, dairy products, sugar, and salt food, etc are avoided during the treatment process.

Conventional Medicine

Modern medical treatment of Psoriasis is also helpful. It includes-

Topical Treatment

In the modern medical system, corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, retinoids, moisturizers, etc are used for Psoriasis treatment. They help to reduce inflammation, slow down skim tissue reproduction and help in Psoriasis.

Systemic Medication

Systemic medications like methotrexate, cyclosporine, and biologics are helpful in all kinds of psoriasis. It enhances the immunity and reduces the inflammation in the skin cells.


Phototherapy or light therapy is also popular for psoriasis. Skin patches are exposed to certain types of ultraviolet light to manage them. It slows down the spic cell reproduction and reduces the psoriasis symptoms.

Other Methods of Treatment

Except, for ayurvedic and conventional medicine, there are other methods for psoriasis treatment-

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is based on the body’s self-healing of the psoriasis. The homeopathic medicine system is slow and takes time to show positive results.


Naturopathy is also like Ayurveda. In this treatment, natural remedies and lifestyle changes are used as a psoriasis treatment

Preventive Measures and Management Tips

As we know, psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is not cured permanently. Hence, a prevention measure is required to reduce the psoriasis symptoms and have healthy skin. Here are some of the psoriasis measurement tops from the Dr Yogesh Wani-

Stress Management

Stress is one of the triggers for psoriasis. try to have a stress-free lifestyle. Include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing to eliminate stress and have a happy life to reduce the frequency and severity of shady skin.

Skincare Routine

It is a must to have a regular skincare routine. Dr Yogesh Vani recommended using a natural and mild moisturizer to hydrate the skin. try to avoid fragrance and chemical-based skin care products. In addition, avoid harsh soap as well as hot water baths.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced and nutritional diet rich in anti-inflammatory properties helps to manage psoriasis. Try to add Omega-3 fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables, and anti-inflammatory herbs in your daily routine. try to avoid triggers of psoriasis-like gluten, dairy, and processed food.

Regular Exercise

Regular physical exercise is also helpful to manage psoriasis. Regular experience reduces inflammation and boosts immunity and mental health. Having improved physical and mental health is very important to manage psoriasis.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Psoriasis is not contagious. Psoriasis skin condition does not spread from one person to another. It is developed by genetic, environmental, and auto-immune diseases.

There are five types of Psoriasis diseases. The symptoms of all Psoriasis vary from person to person.

Stress, skin infection, some medication, weather changes, body response, etc trigger the Psoriasis disease.

Psoriasis is a serious condition. According to many studies and research, ayurveda helps to lower and cure Psoriasis. However, the effect of herbs varies from person to person.

No, you can’t manage Psoriasis at home. It is a serious skin condition. If you have Psoriasis, immediately contact a professional.

No, it is not recommended. Sin exposure can increase the Psoriasis symptoms and make it worse.

A regular check-up is a must for such a serious condition. It is suggested to visit the doctor once a month for an examination.

Yes, Psoriasis also leads to other health issues in the body. It increases the chances of arthritis, heart problems and depression.

Yes, Dr Yosgeshvani is a professional in Ayurveda. He can help you manage your Psoriasis problem.


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